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One step forward….

by | Jul 31, 2017 | Blog, General News

Today was an emotional day. We got to say farewell to Bobble (Now Walter for his cute little “waltz”) and wish him well in his forever home. I say forever because his new mom and dad are amazing animal advocates for all creatures big and small. When I arrived with Bobble, his room was set up just for him… complete with a litter box, food and water all separate for his comfort. He peed, ate and then it was time to explore! I sat and watched him do rollovers and big stretches for his new housemate as if to say “Thanks for having me…lets play!” I left with a full heart knowing that I made a difference….for Bobble…for his new family and for Surfcat.
While finishing up the paperwork for Bobble/Walter I received a phone call. One of our kitties that had been adopted back in December of 2016 was coming back to Surfcat. When I asked why the person on the phone informed me that kitty had bit her…that she was never a nice kitty and that she ran every time she approached her. My heart sank…this was the first return of a kitten that was now an adult cat. Of course I would take her back immediately. She’s a Surfcat…always.
When she arrived it was not the adopter that I remembered. Turns out the original adopter had given her away as a gift. I’m not going to go there now because I want you to keep reading….this has a happy “right now”. We signed some paperwork and that was that. I had in the carrier the cat from hell. Now what? Up we went to quarantine where each Surfcat goes before being integrated into the general population. It’s not so bad….it has an ocean view and a ton of birds to watch. With care I opened up the door and out came….well, you’ll have to watch the video!! Click here to meet Tory
I love my job…
Meow and Mahalo
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