Online Donation

Donate Online

When you make a monetary donation to Surfcat, the funds provide necessary medical care and basic daily care like food, fresh water, and tons of love that they deserve after the trauma they have been through. This allows them to live the remainder of their lives as healthy kitties in safe, loving homes.

We accept donations through PayPal and their secure server. You do not need a PayPal account in order to make a donation. You may either donate using your debit or credit card or your PayPal account if you have one.

Learn more about PayPal’s Giving Policy HERE.

Elizabeth Taylor (Sephora) and Sophie

Donate Online

When you make a monetary donation to Surfcat, the funds provide necessary medical care and basic daily care like food, fresh water, and tons of love that they deserve after the trauma they have been through. This allows them to live the remainder of their lives as healthy kitties in safe, loving homes.

We accept donations through PayPal and their secure server. You do not need a PayPal account in order to make a donation. You may either donate using your debit or credit card or your PayPal account if you have one.

Learn more about PayPal’s Giving Policy HERE.

Elizabeth Taylor (Sephora) and Sophie
