Our Blog

Happy Valentine’s Day!

by | Feb 2, 2022 | Blog, General News, Kitty News

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Surfcat and from all of our kitties!

We want you to know how much we love you and appreciate you for all of your support.

Thank you for cheering us on and being in our corner. The kitties are your forever Valentines!

We couldn’t help all of these kitties without your support and we LOVE having you on our team.

Join our team and support our efforts below!

TEN ways you can help and be a part of TEAM SURFCAT!

Surf the Web and Support Surfcat!
A great way is to attribute your purchases to Surfcat at many online stores and we’ll receive a donation, no extra charge to you!

Here are all the places you can do this:

  1. Make your Amazon purchases at their Smile Amazon site and designate Surfcat as your charity of choice. Amazon Smile will donate a portion of your purchase to Surfcat at no extra cost to you | click here.
    Want to know how to set up your Smile account? Just click here.
  2. Link your Ralphs’ rewards card to Surfcat Adoptions.
  3. Shop here at almost 2,300 stores through iGive.com.

Make Our Wishes Come True!

  1. Shop our Wish List here.

Cozy Beds for Cats!

  1. Donate a Kurunda bed to help our rescue cats.

Want a Virtual Kitty?
Sponsor one of our kitties!

  1. Not ready to adopt? You can sponsor a kitty here by following the instructions at the top of the page.

Be Our Fan!

  1. Follow and Fan us on Facebook and Instagram.
  2. Share our emails with a like-minded friend and encourage them to sign up!

Feel Like Sharing a Monetary Donation With Us?
We’ve made it easy, below!

  1. Donating directly by credit card or PayPal.
  2. Mailing us a check.

Kitty Kisses and Happy Hugs,


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