Preparing for Natural Disasters

We live in California. Here, wildfires are a fact of life; so much so that handy (and somewhat grim, despite the fun name) sites like exist! They are out there just to show folks where wildfires are running rampant all across the...

One step forward….

Today was an emotional day. We got to say farewell to Bobble (Now Walter for his cute little “waltz”) and wish him well in his forever home. I say forever because his new mom and dad are amazing animal advocates for all creatures big and small. When I...

It’s not over ’til the Cat Lady Cleans!!

After I read this article posted on “The Catington Post” website I realized how much it helped me to create a squeaky clean and safe home environment for the Surfcats. It needed to be shared so here you go!!! Spring has sprung! And what that means for most...